Publish Your Story, Influence the World

Get published authors to write your book. Turn your expertise into a compelling proof of ability – a powerful business card. Or convert your personal story – those disjointed snippets and memories - into beautiful, flowing text.

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Career Benefits

Establishing Thought Leadership

Publishing a book positions you as an expert. It showcases your knowledge, experience, and insights. This increased credibility can lead to speaking and media opportunities. It can also lead to greater influence in your industry.

Career Advancement

A well-written book can boost your professional career.  It can open doors to promotions, new opportunities, consulting roles, and board positions. Employers and clients often view authors as dedicated and knowledgeable. They see authors as authoritative, which makes authors attractive candidates for higher positions.

Enhanced Personal Branding

Authoring a book enhances your personal brand. by making you more visible and recognizable in the industry. It differentiates you from your peers and provides a tangible representation of your expertise. This visibility can attract new opportunities and elevate your professional reputation.

Networking and Relationship Building

Publishing a book can lead to new networking opportunities. It allows you to connect with other industry leaders, influencers, and potential clients. Also, sharing your knowledge can strengthen existing relationships with colleagues and clients.

Marketing and Business Growth

A book serves as a powerful marketing tool that attracts new clients and business partners. Writing showcases your expertise and provides valuable insights into your work. This can generate leads, drive business growth, and build trust with potential clients. It also positions you as a go-to expert in your field.

Legacy and Personal Fulfillment

By writing a book you can leave a lasting legacy. You share your knowledge and experiences with future generations. It is a significant personal and professional achievement that can provide a deep sense of fulfillment. The process of writing and publishing a book also offers a creative outlet and a means to reflect on and solidify your career achievements.

Book Types

It is surprising how much knowledge senior level professionals have and also that there is a demand for such content. Below are some broad categories of content
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Professional Development and Leadership

This category includes books that offer insights, strategies, and personal experiences to help readers improve their skills, advance their careers, and develop effective leadership qualities.

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Industry Expertise and Insights

Books in this category delve into specific industries, offering detailed knowledge, trends, and future outlooks. These books position the author as an expert in their field and provide valuable insights for professionals within the industry.

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Personal Narratives and Memoirs

This category includes books that share the author’s personal stories, career journeys, and lessons learned. These books provide inspiration and insights into the author’s experiences and are often highly engaging for readers.

Our Process

Before we write, we need a deep understanding of who you are and what you do. And a deep conversation about your vision for your book. Once we’ve got a sense for your aesthetic, content and what you’re trying to say. As a first step in the project, we create a book outline and write the first chapter. That first chapter sets the template for the rest of the book in terms of Language, tone, flow etc. Once you sign – off on that, we create the entire book – usually in 3-4 phases.

Aesthetics, Language and Tone

Chapter Outline, 1st Chapter Draft

2nd draft

Content Collection, Research

1st draft

Completed book


Why ThinReads

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We cherry-pick our projects and do limited work. When we take on a project we give our clients much personal attention. Our network of professionals in various areas ensure the whole package – be it editing or cover design – is of the highest international standards. The expertise of over a decade of writing, tied in with many decades of experience in the service industry means a very high level of transparency, efficiency and timely work.

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